A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words-Shoving Off

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This contest is now closed.


This story contest is slated to run through June 30,2013.
Story parameters:
Your tale may be of any length.
Your tale must must include this 'scene'.
Your story needs to take place sometime in the first season of the show-(notice that the Observation Nose has a control panel and no Flying Sub hatch.)
A note:
Your story may be rated G, PG 13, R, or higher (designated for the Mature Themes, or After Dark subsites*).
*Mature Themes and After Dark are restricted subsites for voyagers 18 and over. But that won't limit a contest entry.

The Trench by Lynn *posted May 10, 2013.

The Trench (Revised Nov 16,2015)

A Medical Miracle by K. Corris. posted June 8, 2013.

The Beginning of a New Life by JSRobertson. Posted June 16, 2013.