Lee Beauregard Crane (I told you he had a whopper of a middle name!), Captain of the Seaview, waiting for
something or other. This is one of his usual spots in the Observation Nose when he's anxious about Nelson who sometimes goes
missing.(Not as much as Lee, cheech!)
This was saved from one of our security cameras. I sure didn't want to intrude on his privacy whenever and whatever it
Oh, Nelson and he almost never let their father/son feelings get in the way of their professional relationship, but when
one is missing, hurt, etc, the other's pretty miserable. I'm miserable, the crew's miserable, and I have to pick up the pieces!
But this blog isn't supposed to be about Seaview and our...unique assignments, so I'd better clam up. Speaking
of clams, 'Cookie' (that's a Navy nickname for a cook) is fixing fried clams tonight. I'd better hurry up and get to the wardroom
before Lee scarfs them all down. (He really really really like's fried clams-must be a New England thing). I'll tell
you more about his Rhode Island 'R's later. In fact, I could write a book about Lee. Hmm. My blog, so maybe I will.
Lt. Cmdr. 'Will' Jamison scolding the Skipper. An almost every mission occurance. Any wonder we call Sick Bay the
Captain's 'other cabin'?
If I live to be as old as Methusela (again, I'd never win a spelling bee), this is how I'll always remember Lee.
No doubt Admiral Starke would grumble, as his hair's on the longish side, (but hey, a guy's entitled to let go now and
then). Besides we were on leave miles away in of all places, Boston, where the Admiral had to take care of some family business.
So Lee and I decided to go to town.
We ended up having a picnic lunch with his sister Edith. Unfortunately she insisted on cooking. Of course, we never let
on that we'd rather have had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches than her spinach puffs. But we pretended to enjoy them, and
just enjoyed her company. She complained to Lee that his sweater had seen better days, ( you can see the snags in one
area,) and promised to knit him a new one. Still waiting on that. I wonder if she's remembered.

Doc's turn, but all I managed was a wink. I bet he has a needle hidden behind his back!

And now for Nelson
No matter what I tried, I'm not that thrilled with his wink. But Special Agent McGee of NCIS said it had something to
do with the conversion from the photo. Oh well, at least the Admiral's happy he got an animated picture like the others.
I let it slip that I knew all about his blog and wished he'd share it with me, that I could help with the technology
But he only said he'd think about it. It's a 'Doc' thing. And if he shares it with me, he'd have to share it with Lee,
and I think he's a little embarassed about some of what he's written. We'll see what happens.