To: Dr. Brothers
Shrinks R Us
From Dr. Jamison
Re: Admiral Nelson's Blog
Well, I finallly decided to talk him into it, citing the value Lee's
blog seems to be having with his. Already I can see a slight reduction in Crane's stress levels as he uses his
blog as a kind of journal to express himself.
So far, of course, I'm the only one with access to either. I'm hoping
this can change in the future. But for now let's see if our medical advice will hold water as to a change in our favorite
patients. I include you of course, as you've been very helpful in the care and treatment of my Captain, and now, boss.
No doubt Nelson's blog will be somewhat different from Crane's. Probably
more a scientific smattering of theories, experiments, etc, though I did say it would behoove him to speak about Lee a little.
After all, part of the stress levels are due to their continued friendship vs their professional duties. It can't be easy
to order your best friend shot.
(It's compllicated and much of their actions are classified.) Suffice
it to say, both of these men need counseling. Having blogs will pave the way to accepting a psychological session.
From Dr. Brothers
Shrinks R Us
To Dr. Jamison
Re: Admiral Nelson's Blog
I think you're right on the button. Too bad they can't share their blogs with each
other, but for I can see your point about only having you in on them for now.